Whether you are looking to freshen up your home or simply a room within your home, sometimes all you need are some pillows and a cozy throw!
This sofa needed a new look, so...
With a handful of pillows from our shop, we laid them out for discussion.
We had fun rearranging them until we found a presentation we loved!
We know our favorites, which are yours?!
It’s amazing how much the room changed as we moved the pillows around, trying different combinations of texture and color!
"Sooner or later, everything old is new again" - Stephen King September and October are a time of transition... The days are getting cooler, and the nights chillier. Soon enough the leaves will begin their slow descent from the trees. As we prepare for the winter ahead, so does life around us. With the seasons there is a natural process, as the old is reborn anew in the spring and warmer months. Sometimes we too feel the need to re-organize and refresh, bringing new life into our homes, but don't necessarily want to change everything. So you may be asking yourself, where do I begin? How do I know the right pieces to add, and how do I organize them...
"Good things come in small packages"... "Sometimes the smallest things in the life have the biggest meaning"... "It's the little things in life that matter the most." I think many of us can agree that despite the cliche of the aforementioned quotes, it truly is the little things in life that really do seem to matter the most. Whether it's an unexpected smile in passing, a picnic on the beach (our favorite!), or paying for the person's coffee in line behind you at Monomoy Coffee Company, these small gestures can turn a mediocre day into a great one! But, those little things in life are not always found in social interaction. Sometimes they are the perfect shell you found at...
This customer was looking for a comfortable living space to feature that would feature and complement their art collection. The design included sofas and chairs from Century Furniture, a custom made wool flat-weave rug, exotic wood tables, and pillows and accessories custom made in the Simpler Pleasures on-site workroom.